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Matlab: Coin Toss Random Walk nSteps = 30; nTrials = 200000; H=zeros(1,nTrials); for j=1:nTrials % do all nSteps coin tosses T = 2*(rand(1,nSteps) < 0.5 ) -1; H(j) = sum(T); end hist(H)
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Matlab: 2-D Brownian Motion sig=2; % step size std dev nSteps = 2000; % # steps in each walk nSteps = 2*fix(nSteps/2); % assure even % box-muller for N(0,1) random variables u1=rand(nSteps/2,1); %U[0,1) vector nSteps/2 long u2=rand(nSteps/2,1); x1 = cos(2*pi*u1).*sqrt(-2*log(u2)); %N(0,1) vector x2 = sin(2*pi*u1).*sqrt(-2*log(u2)); % concatenate x1 and x2 into h h(1:nSteps/2) = x1; h(1+nSteps/2:nSteps) = x2; x(1)=0; y(1)=0; %start at the origin for i=2:nSteps theta = 2*pi*rand; % random direction x(i)=x(i-1)+sig*h(i)*cos(theta); y(i)=y(i-1)+sig*h(i)*sin(theta); end %typical walk figure(1) subplot(2,2,1); plot(x,y); title('Typical walk for nSteps steps'); xlabel('X position'); ylabel('Y position'); % do the walk from subStart to subEnd sub1Start = 500; sub1End = 1500; k = 1; for i=sub1Start:sub1End xsub1(k) = x(i); ysub1(k) = y(i); k = k+1; end figure(1) subplot(2,2,2); plot(xsub1,ysub1); sub2Start = 1000; sub2End = 1300; k = 1; for i=sub2Start:sub2End xsub2(k) = x(i); ysub2(k) = y(i); k = k+1; end figure(1) subplot(2,2,3); plot(xsub2,ysub2); nWalks = 400; % # walks for density for j=1:nWalks u1=rand(nSteps/2,1); u2=rand(nSteps/2,1); x1 = cos(2*pi*u1).*sqrt(-2*log(u2)); x2 = sin(2*pi*u1).*sqrt(-2*log(u2)); h(1:nSteps/2) = x1; h(1+nSteps/2:nSteps) = x2; x(1)=0; y(1)=0; for i=2:nSteps theta = 2*pi*rand; x(i)=x(i-1)+sig*h(i)*cos(theta); y(i)=y(i-1)+sig*h(i)*sin(theta); end Endx(j) = x(nSteps); Endy(j) = y(nSteps); end %density plot figure(1); subplot(2,2,4); scatter(Endx,Endy,3); title('Density Plot for nSteps steps'); xlabel('X end'); ylabel('Y end');
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Matlab: Option Price via Simulation nDays = 90; dt = 1/365.0; % use time in years T = nDays*dt; % expiry in years S0=20; % starting stock price X=25; % strike price r = .031; % risk-free rate sigma = .6; % volatility expTerm = r*dt; stddev = sigma*sqrt(dt); nTrials = 10000; value=0; for j=1:nTrials n = randn(1,nDays); % vector of N(0,1) random numbers S = S0; for i=1:nDays dS = S*(expTerm + stddev*n(i)); S = S + dS; end S90(j) = S; % to histogram value = value + max(S-X,0); end value = value/nTrials; % expected value Price = exp(-r*T)*value % discount back hist(S90,0:.5:65)
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Matlab: Kelly Problem Evaluation via Simulation function fitnesses = kellyEval(popSize,chromPop); popSize = 1; % remove for use in GA chromPop=0.05; % remove for use in GA F=linspace(1,1,popSize); % initial fortune N=1000; % iterations of the game h=linspace(1,1,N); % histogram, remove for GA for i=2:N w = F.*chromPop; %term-by-term wager % play 60/40 game r = (rand(1,popSize) < 0.6); % 1 if <0.6 else 0 r = 2*r-1; % +1 if <0.6 else -1 w = r.*w; % +bet if <0.6, else -bet h(i)=F; % remove for use in GA F = F+w; % new fortune end fitnesses = exp((1/N)*log(F));
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Matlab: Kelly Problem Solution via Genetic Algorithms % a "chromosome" here is a fraction between 0 and 1 % a population is a vector of chromosomes popSize=32; chromPop= rand(1,popSize); %initalize randomly % space for their fitnesses = exp(growth rate) fitnesses=linspace(0,0,popSize); newPop=linspace(0,0,popSize); upper = linspace(1,1,popSize); % keep fractions < 1 lower = linspace(0,0,popSize); % keep fractions > 0 bp = linspace(0,0,popSize); % roulette wheel breakpts pm = 0.1; % mutation probability orelax = 1.4; % over relaxation factor for mating epsilon=0.07 % mutation range bestFitness=0; %chromPop % for debugging for g=1:100 % 100 generations % mutate each w/prob pm m = (rand(1,popSize)<pm); % mutation indices % mutate each chromoPop(i) within epsilon a = max(lower,chromPop-epsilon); b = min(upper,chromPop+epsilon); r = m.*(a+(b-a).*rand(1,popSize)); % new value chromPop = (1-m).*chromPop; %null out old value chromPop = chromPop+r; %replace by new value %chromPop % for debugging % mate each chromosome via a permutation of chromPop permPop = chromPop; for i=1:popSize-1 k = i+floor((popSize+1-i)*rand); %random in remaining swap = permPop(i); permPop(i) = permPop(k); permPop(k)=swap; end %permPop % for debugging newPop = chromPop +... orelax*(permPop-chromPop).*rand(1,popSize); % stay within 0 and 1 newPop = max(lower,newPop); newPop = min(upper,newPop); %newPop % for debugging % evaluate newPop fitnesses = kellyEval(popSize,newPop); oldBest = bestFitness; bestFitness = max(oldBest,max(fitnesses)); if bestFitness > oldBest m = fitnesses>=bestFitness; % where is it solution = m.*newPop; end % roulette wheel select, make up the wheel sum = 0; for i=1:popSize sum = sum + fitnesses(i); bp(i) = sum; end %bp % for debugging % now pick popSize times for i=1:popSize U=rand; k=1; while( U>= bp(k)) k=k+1; end; %k is selected chromPop(i) = newPop(k); end %chromPop % for debugging end bestFitness solution