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Matlab: Dice Rolls via Markov Chain Monte Carlo f=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]; d=zeros(1,20000); % for histogramming x=5; for i = 1:20000 U = rand; if x == 2 if U < 0.5 y = 3; else y = 2; end elseif x == 12 if U < 0.5 y = 11; else y = 12; end else if U < 0.5 y = x-1; else y = x+1; end end h = min(1,f(y)/f(x)); U = rand; if U < h x = y; end d(i) = x; % record the state end a = 1:1:12; hist(d,a) [N,h] = hist(d,a)
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Java: Ising Simulation import*; import java.util.*; public class isingModel { static String[] helptext = { "Usage:\n\t < invoke program>", ""}; int nTrials = 9900; int startUp = 3000; int width = 16, hghth = 16; double beta = .01; //beta=1/(kT), beta=1 low temp, .06 high temp static Random r; static long seed; //ccc=== public isingModel() { double magMoment = 0; //create a random starting +1/-1 vector isingCritter wCrit = new isingCritter(width,hghth,1,0,'r'); isingCritter tCrit = new isingCritter(width,hghth,1,0,'r'); isingCritter x, y; //pointers int k, row, col; double a=0; //main loop x = tCrit; //random start for(int i=0; i < nTrials+startUp; ++i) { //x.printSpins(); //x = current, y = proposed if( x == tCrit ) y = wCrit; else y = tCrit; //select site to flip k = (int)(x.sigma.length*r.nextDouble()); for( int j=0; j < x.sigma.length; ++j ) y.sigma[j] = x.sigma[j]; y.sigma[k] *= -1; //flip bit k y.calcHamiltonian(); //System.out.format("Delta E= %.1f\n",y.E - x.E); a = Math.min(1,Math.exp(-beta*(y.E - x.E))); //decide to accept or not if( r.nextDouble() < a ) x = y; //update the magnetic moment if( i > startUp ) { magMoment += (double)x.calcMagneticMoment(); } } x.printSpins(); magMoment /= nTrials; System.out.format("avg mag. moment per spin= %.3f\n", magMoment/(width*hghth)); } /*=====mmm=====*/ public static void main(String[] argv) { seed = System.currentTimeMillis(); //seed = 17; // remove // for testing r = new Random(seed); isingModel im = new isingModel(); } } //kkk=== class isingCritter { int width, hghth; byte[] sigma; //up = +1, down = -1 double J, H; //J=spin-spin interaction, H=external field double E; //hamiltonian (= energy) char boundaryType = 'p'; //p=periodic, f=free int M; //magnetic moment //ccc=== public isingCritter(int w, int h) { hghth = h; width = w; sigma = new byte[w*h]; J = 1; H = 0; randomInit(); calcHamiltonian(); } //ccc=== public isingCritter(int w, int h, double J, double H, char initType) { hghth = h; width = w; sigma = new byte[w*h]; this.J = J; this.H = H; if( initType == 'u' ) spinUpInit(); else randomInit(); calcHamiltonian(); } //=== void randomInit() { for( int i=0; i < sigma.length; ++i) { if( isingModel.r.nextDouble() < .5 ) sigma[i] = 1; else sigma[i] = -1; } } //=== void spinUpInit() { for( int i=0; i < sigma.length; ++i) { sigma[i] = 1; } } //=== /** * Here we use the free boundary condition, i.e. the spins * on the boundary are coupled only to spins of the interior * and not to spins on the opposite end of the lattice */ void calcHamiltonian() { int r,c; //printSpins(); E=0; /** * free boundary calculation */ //go along the columns first between each row for( r=0; r < hghth-1; ++r) { for( c=0; c < width; ++c) { E += -J*(sigma[c+r*width]*sigma[c+(r+1)*width]); } } //now go along the rows between each column for( c=0; c < width-1; ++c) { for( r=0; r < hghth; ++r) { E += -J*(sigma[c+r*width]*sigma[c+1+r*width]); } } /** * if boundary condition is periodic, do this too */ if( boundaryType == 'p' ) { r = (hghth-1)*width; for( c=0; c < width; ++c) E += -J*sigma[c]*sigma[c+r]; c= width-1; for( r=0; r < width*hghth; r += width) E += -J*sigma[r]*sigma[c+r]; } /** * now figure in the external field * assume aligned with 'up' */ if( H != 0) { for( int i=0; i < sigma.length; ++i) E += -H*sigma[i]; } //System.out.println("total: E= "+E+"\n"); } //=== /** * M(x) = net up vs down spins in absence of external field */ int calcMagneticMoment() { M = 0; for( int i=0; i < sigma.length; ++i) M += sigma[i]; //System.out.println("magnet moment: M= "+M+"\n"); return M; } //=== void printSpins() { int j=0; for( int k=0; k < sigma.length; ++k) { System.out.format("%c ",(sigma[k]==1)?'+':'-'); //System.out.format("%2d ",sigma[k]); if( ++j==width ) { System.out.println(""); j=0; } } System.out.println(""); } }
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Matlab: Ising Simulation nTrials=2000; startup=3000; d=zeros(1,nTrials); %to histogram beta=.01; M=0; x=2*round(rand(1,4))-1; %random 4-vector of +/-1 Hx = -(x(1)*x(2)+x(3)*x(4)+x(1)*x(3)+x(2)*x(4)); for t = 1:startup+nTrials k = fix(1+4*rand); %index to flip y = x; y(k)= -x(k); Hy = -(y(1)*y(2)+y(3)*y(4)+y(1)*y(3)+y(2)*y(4)); h = min(1,exp(-beta*(Hy-Hx))); if rand < h x = y; end if t > startup Mx = x(1)+x(2)+x(3)+x(4); M = M + Mx; % to obtain avg mag. mom. d(t-startup) = Mx; end end r = -4:1:4; hist(d,r) % compute avg moment per spin M = (M/nTrials)/4;
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Matlab: Metropolis Algorithm for Counting, Monomer/Dimer Problem % this pertains to figure 3.8; in the figure the vertices are "a" % through "f" on the left and "1" through "6" on the right but here % we use 1 through 6 for the left vertices and 7 through 12 for the % right ones. E(i,j)=k means this: j designates the edge so j runs % from 1 to 14, i=1 is for the left vertex of the edge and i=2 is % for the right vertex and k is which vertex in the figure. Edge 1 % runs from "a" to "1" so E(1,1)=1 and E(2,1)=7. Edge 2 runs from "a" % to "3" so E(1,2)=1 and E(2,2)=9 and so on. % initialize the first two rows of E to the given graph, a 3x14 matrix % initialize third row to 0, start with an empty match set E=zeros(3,14); E(1,1)=1; E(2,1)=7; E(1,2)=1; E(2,2)=9; E(1,3)=1; E(2,3)=11; E(1,4)=2; E(2,4)=8; E(1,5)=2; E(2,5)=11; E(1,6)=3; E(2,6)=10; E(1,7)=3; E(2,7)=12; E(1,8)=4; E(2,8)=7; E(1,9)=4; E(2,9)=9; E(1,10)=4; E(2,10)=12; E(1,11)=5; E(2,11)=11; E(1,12)=5; E(2,12)=12; E(1,13)=6; E(2,13)=8; E(1,14)=6; E(2,14)=10; s=zeros(1,14); % array to count # matches of size k s0=0; % need to get size 0 too k=0; % the initial match set is empty for t=1:990000 % 990000 trials i=1+floor(14*rand); % select edge unif. at random if E(3,i) == 1 %check if i is in the current match set E(3,i)=0; % remove it k=k - 1; % decrement matching size else l=E(1,i); r=E(2,i); % left, right ends of i kl=0; kr=0; %search current match set for l and r for j=1:14 % loop over all edges if E(3,j) == 1 %this edge is in the match set if l == E(1,j) | l == E(2,j) % l is covered kl=j; end if r == E(1,j) | r == E(2,j) % r is covered kr == j; end end % if j in match set end %loop over edges if kl == 0 & kr == 0 % neither l or r covered E(3,i)=1; %add edge i to match k=k+1; % increment match set size elseif kl ~= 0 & kr == 0 % only left end covered E(3,kl)=0; E(3,i)=1; % swap edges elseif kl == 0 & kr ~= 0 % only right end covered E(3,kr)=0; E(3,i)=1; % swap edges end end % check i in current match set % increment the count for the current size if k == 0 s0=s0+1; else s(k)=s(k)+1; end end % loop over trials s0 % print results s